

Visit: XNude


(User Rating 5/5)


  • The quality is amazing
  • The site and interface are easy to use
  • Fast generations and extra customization


  • Some of the features didn’t work as intended
  • More expensive than other AI undress apps



(User Rating 5/5)

Visit: XNude heralds itself as the ultimate undress tool, allowing you to make your fantasies naked and true. I’ve seen a few deepnude sites say that exact same thing. It reminds me of a trip to London where I saw the ‘best Indian food in the world’ a total of five times on the same street. The only way you can tell if by testing them yourself, and that’s what I’ll do with this AI deepnude site.

I’ve used the site before in some ways – this was where PornX migrated their undress feature. But looking at it now, the whole thing has changed. There’s nothing reminiscent of PornX except for the name. There’s a short video on the homepage showing you how it works. There are three chicks fully clothed with a full-size picture behind them. The clothed images fall away to reveal the fully naked versions beneath. One of the chicks is instead in some sexy lingerie, so you get extra options beyond undressing the images. I always love that undress sites let you put more clothes on them. Still, extra features are always welcome. Just like in real life, sometimes seeing someone in sexy lingerie is better than seeing them naked.

There’s nothing about undressing men. I expect that at this stage, I’m not here to gaze at all and we’ve got some other reviews of sites that offer that feature. They do actually have an undresser for men here and it works surprisingly well. But this review of is all about undressing hot women and the power of seeing anyone naked. This site does not store your images anywhere for privacy and safety reasons. So when you’ve generated an AI nude and want some alone time with it, click download or it’s gone forever.

Testing out Custom Faces for Deepnudes

I feel bad for your mom if you need me to explain what a custom face is. Alright then, it’s a faceswap. Say you’ve got a membership to a different AI porn site you can use that model as a base and upload a new face. You’ll need to make sure it’s staring at the camera, like a chick judging you for a strange fetish you’ve got. I know you know what I’m talking about. Make sure you use a high-quality or HD image for the best results.

I signed up to xNude AI using my email address and waited expectantly for the confirmation email. I had a rough night last night and didn’t realize you don’t need to confirm anything, even though they say you do. Turns out the confirmation doesn’t work until you try and create a custom AI nude, then you get the proper confirmation email for your three free generations. I expected more logic considering how fantastic their other site is.

I uploaded an image of a chick sitting on the edge of a bed with her legs spread to reveal her wet pussy. It’s one of my faves but it’s unfortunate the face is so obviously AI-generated. It’s high time I fixed that and managed to create a hotter fantasy. I uploaded a different face and before I knew it, it felt like I was staring at a completely different woman. Much hotter and with a cheeky expression like she knew what I was about to start doing.

Edit your Deepnude Photos

If you want to go further you can use the image you just made and draw over different sections. It’s basically combining the custom faces and undress features. You don’t need to go for a nude, there are lots of different settings like bras, bikinis, lingerie and tattoos for women. Men can be edited with options for tattoos, underwear and beards. Premium members get extra presets to change the body type and add saggy breasts or an erect penis. The last one was a new one for me (no, I don’t mean I have an issue getting hard, you fucker) so I tried it out. It wasn’t very realistic but if you like looking at big AI dicks then it’s good enough.

There aren’t any options to use custom prompts to edit the images further. For me, is lacking in some features. Even a few thumbnails of what all the different options will look like would be nice. The simplicity of the site and how easy it is to use is fantastic. A virgin who’s never seen some titties would definitely fall for the undress feature – it’s got to be one of the best undressers I’ve seen. I’d say they’ve updated the API since moving this feature away from PornX.

Testing the Undress Feature

When you’re ready to start gawping at naked women, upload a clear image of someone in a non-complicated pose. The generator is powerful and can deal with some excess clothing but you don’t want to waste your generations because a subscription is expensive. You’ll have to paint over the parts of the image you want to edit. It means that the generations will be much better than the sites that do it for you, but if you’ve got a stash of women you fantasize about and want to see naked it could get annoying. If anything goes wrong you can retry with the same image, but if you chose a bad one to begin with it will still count as a generation.

I quickly went through multiple images, changing some innocent-looking girls into ones that were down to fuck. How could I tell? Well with those perky nipples, it was easy to imagine them feeling as horny as I was. Or maybe it’s cold being naked. Anyway, let me enjoy my imagination. They’ve said there’s a referral program that gives you free generations for everyone who signs up, but at the time of this review it doesn’t seem to be active. I couldn’t find it anywhere. It’s a new site so I’m guessing it needs a little bit more work for all the features to be working properly. The main thing is the nudes are realistic, and that’s why we’re here. The only difference is it’s my job and you’re in a degenerate mood.

Xnude Features

Create realistic face swaps

Create deepnude images

Multiple edits for your photos including lingerie and changing the body type


The trial gives you three generations for free

$15.99 for 25 generations

$29.99 for 100 generations

$39.99 for two days of unlimited generations

$499 for a month of unlimited generations

My final verdict: smash or pass? has one of the best undress tools I’ve come across. It doesn’t have all the customizations and poses that other sites might offer, but they normally don’t work that well anyway. I’ve had a few hot images completely ruined as the AI tries to change something or add extremely fake cum across their tits. A few features didn’t work very well or exist, like the referral program, but I’ll give them some leeway because it’s just gone live recently. The devs are known for their ongoing support for PornX and I’d be surprised if the same thing didn’t happen here. Test it out yourself, you get three free goes. A membership unlocks all the other features, but the quality of the freebies is a sight to behold.

Visit: XNude